
Absolute Essential Cypress (Organic), 10ml

: AEO22

: Unavailable

$25.45 $29.95

Product Description
From the tall tree it comes from, Absolute Essential Cypress (Organic) has a proud scent. It is warm, spicy, and inspiring, making it an excellent tonic for the emotions. This oil can lift the spirits and boost confidence, making it useful during times of sadness. It also has energizing and astringent properties that can support healthy circulation and aid in the treatment of oily skin. Its natural properties also make it a beneficial tonic for the reproductive system in women. For a well-rounded blend, try combining it with Juniper Berry, Vetiver, Geranium, or Lemon.

  • Cellulite & Circulation
    Supports healthy circulation and regular waste processing in connective tissue, to benefit areas of cellulite. Massage in 5 drops Cypress immediately after a shower.
  • Fluid Retention
    To aid regular fluid exchange, add 5 drops to a footbath or 10 drops to a bath and soak for 15 minutes every second day or as required.
  • Hot Flushes
    To assist natural balance during menopause, add 5-10 drops in a tepid bath at night. Use regularly.
  • Emotional Stability
    To encourage emotional balance and optimism, or to nurture healthy processing during sadness, add 5-10 drops to a diffuser or bath. Repeat as required.

Traditional & Historical Information
Cypress oil has been recognised as a medicinal source since ancient Greece, where it was used to stem blood flow on wounds, and also for dysentery. It was later cited in medicinal texts of 14th Century Spain but little thereafter, until more modern times. Today, science has confirmed its astringent and haemostatic properties, and other medicinal benefits. It offers a wide range of therapeutic uses... circulatory benefit, detoxification, respiratory health, cramps and bleeding, excessive sweating, chilblains, inflammation and diarrhoea. The vigorous fresh scent is also considered excellent for clearing the mind and strengthening the nerves.
Safety Considerations
Safe used as directed. Safe in pregnancy. If ingested, drink milk. Avoid eyes, flush with water. Keep out of reach of children.
Please note:
Therapeutic plant oils are used to support natural body process for optimum health and wellbeing. The information here is NOT meant as recommendation for cure of any medical condition or disease.
Absolute Essential Cypress (Organic), 10ml

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