Forest & Bird


About Forest & Bird

Forest & Bird is New Zealand's largest and longest-serving conservation organisation, formed in 1923 in response to widespread extinction of native species and destruction of our native forests. They work to preserve our natural heritage and native species. Originally formed to protect our native forests and birds, their role has since grown to include protection of all native species and wild places; on land and in our oceans, lakes and rivers.

They give nature a voice. They speak for all our threatened species and fragile places, from endangered Maui's dolphins to high-country tussock-lands. New Zealand's territory covers an area of ocean many times greater than our land mass, and is home to many itinerant species, such as sea-birds and marine mammals. They work with other environmental organisations, such as BirdLife International, on environmental issues in New Zealand's Exclusive Economic Zone, the wider Pacific and in Antarctica. They are not a government organisation and do not receive government funding; they rely on the generosity of their members' subscriptions, donations and bequests to carry out their conservation work.

Since it was formed Forest & Bird has played an active role in preserving New Zealand's environment and native species. They have helped establish protection for a third of our country's land in parks and reserves, put an end to logging of our native forests and helped bring species such as the kakapo and kokako back from the brink of extinction. They also co-ordinate hand-on restoration projects and educate people about environmental issues through their children's club, Kiwi Conservation Club, publications and public awareness campaigns.