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: SNS04-100bag-CharcoalCoffee
: Available:
Regular price $8.00
Activated Charcoal is not a coarse or harsh ingredient, and wont irritate the skin and this one is mixed with coffee!! Coffee is said to contain natural antioxidants that cleanse your pores and the deep layers of your skin of any lingering dead skin cells and environmental pollutants.
Activated Charcoal is highly absorbent and draws impurities and toxins (incl dried perspiration) out of the skin, helping to relieve acne and other skin problems
Charcoal soap is suitable for every skin type.
It helps remove the excessive oil from the oily skin, but it also moisturizes and nourishes the dry skin. Furthermore, it is also suitable for the sensitive skin type. It effectively treats skin allergies and redness on the face.
With the ability to remove dead skin cells along with the extraction of dirt and grime, charcoal soap can also treat some psoriasis and some eczema. It is effective for the treatment of dry, cracked skin.
Our bars don"t excessively dry the skin like other brands - instead we nourish and moisturise the skin. Message us for more details
This Soap contains, Goats Milk. Saponified Oils: Organic Coconut & Olive Oil, Rice Bran & Castor Oil, enriched with Shea butter. Charcoal, Coffee grind
100 gm
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